The world’s most extensive expertise in power barges/powerships
Power barges are fast track, plug and play, floating power plants built in high quality shipyards
Power Barge Corporation is a privately held company established in 2000, providing turnkey engineering, procurement and construction contracting, as well as aftermarket and consulting service to developers, owners and operators of barge mounted power plants with both gas turbines, medium speed engines and energy storage system. PBC also purchases and owns power barges and supports client resale activities.
We currently have a 48 MW multi-fuel, multi-frequency gas turbine power barge available for sale, lease or equity participation.
Founded by Mr. Dave Nickerson, who has since 1981 worked in power barge engineering and shipyard construction starting with General Dynamics Quincy Shipyard and Electric Boat (nuclear submarine division).
This is the only company worldwide that is solely dedicated to power barge with over 30 years in power barges and over 40 years in the marine engineering/shipbuilding industry.
If it involves power barges, this is the first call to make, the first email to send.
Medium Speed Engine Power Barges
Currently offering new construction radiator cooled medium speed engine power barges ranging from 80 MW to 200 MW, capable of burning natural gas, diesel, biodiesel and low sulphur heavy fuel oil.
Design, project management, and international marketing with Vard Marine USA/Fincantieri.
Gas Turbine Power Barges
Currently offering new construction aero-derivative and industrial gas turbine power barges ranging from 30 MW to 300 MW per power barge in simple and combined cycle configurations. Engineering, procurement and construction contracting with Siemens and GE generation equipment.
Energy Storage Power Barges
Currently designing new construction Lithium Ion NMC based high density power barges with rack and module-based systems from Fluence and GE BESS packaging, ranging from 500 MWh to 1500 MWh per power barge.
While PBC has provided consulting to designers and operators of powerships, we believe that the IPP and utility markets are best served by permanent power barges that are designed not for frequent deployment but for long term contracts. Power barges do not have installed crew quarters, navigation gear or propulsion plants as these add cost and complexity not required for long term operations.
While there are around 80 power barges/powerships world most of them are permanently installed on long term contracts. Recently power barges and powerships have come into the market for lease contracting or short term PPAs structured like a lease. This is a very competitive short-term solution when measured against diesel fired high speed rental containers but not for mid or long-term contracts.
Power Barge Corporation has been contracted to sell the following power barges
• 108 MW 60 Hz Wartsila 18V50DF combined cycle medium speed engine power barge operating on natural gas or low sulphur fuel oil
• 72 MW 60 Hz Wartsila 18V38 simple cycle medium speed engine power barge operating on low sulphur fuel oil with a 69 kV/138 kV substation and an associated fuel tank-barge and a 69 kV to 115 kV autotransformer.
• 48 MW 50 Hz Westinghouse 251B11 simple cycle gas turbine power barge with a 33 kV
• 54 MW and a 60 MW 50 Hz Wartsila 18V32 simple cycle medium speed engine power barge with a 132 kV substation
Power Barge Corporation offers the following new and refurbished gas turbine options for FAST TRACK power barge
• GE LM6000 Refurbished (50 Hz/60 Hz) multiple units readily available (rated at 38 MW to 50 MW)
• GE Frame 9E 9161 Refurbished (50 Hz) multiple units readily available (rated at 94 to 125 MW)
• GE LM2500+G7 8 or TM versions 50Hz/60 Hz new and existing units readily available (rated at 30 - 33 MW each)
• GE Frame 7EA 60 Hz new and unused, three units available. Currently configured for tri-fuel (rated at 84 MW) along with an HRSG/STG for a single Frame 7EA 1 x 1 CCGT configuration
Recently sold power barges
• 72 MW 60 Hz Wartsila power barge
• 96 MW Siemens gas turbine power barge
• 105 MW Siemens gas turbine power barge
• 115 MW Siemens gas turbine power barge
• 44 MW MAN medium speed engine power barge
• 40 MW Wartsila medium speed engine power barge
AES Corporation (Nigeria/Panama) AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) APIX/Senelect (Senegal) Barrick Gold (Dominica) Burmiester & Wain BW Maritime LNG (Singapore) BlueCrest Capital (Kenya/Philppines/Ecuador) Cielemca/PDVSA (Venezuela) Deloitte (Kenya) Elliot Management/Prime NRI (Ecuador/Panama) El Paso International (Brazil/Bangladesh) Enron International (Nigeria) ExxonMobil (Nigeria) Golar LNG/Energy (Norway) Gold Fields (Ghana) |
GMR Energy (India) Hyundai Engineering and Construction (India) IC Power (Guatemala/Panama) Isolux Corsan (Angola) Karadeniz/Karkey Energy (global) KarPower (Turkey) Keppel Energy (Ecuador) Mercuria Energy (South Africa) ProEnergy Services Smith International (Pakistan/India/Bangladesh/China) Stark Capital (USA) STX Heavy Industries (Yemen) Turbine Technology Services Wood Group/Ethos Energy World Bank Arbitration (Pakistan/Turkey) |